So the good political news about living in Pennsylvania is I get to vote against America's most reprehensible Senator, Rick Santorum, in the fall.
The bad news is that it can be a perfectly beautiful day and I'll come home to find this on my front door:
Freedom by Right
We don't live in America
America lives in US1) Protect, defend and obey the Constitution for th U.S. which is based on Biblical principles.
2) [blah blah reduce taxes blah blah]
Restore morality - return prayer and the Ten Commandments
Restore resposibility - Abortion is not a form of birth control
[blah blah 2nd amendment blah blah]
Jim Barr for State Representative 20th Legislative District
I'll give it this: it's better copy edited than most wacko right wing tracts. However, properly placed commas are not enough to swing my vote to Jim Barr and his we-hate-abortion "consitution party." In fact, stacks of thousand dollar bills wouldn't be enough.