I really should be finishing that noir reading. Instead...
Metroblogs Montreal gets the story on the Dawson College shootings. As in, hides from a gunman and sees a colleague take a bullet in the shoulder.
The NY Times is wowed and amazed by Google's philanthropic strategy ("Not the Usual"). Guys, venutre philanthropy is nothing new; trust me, this is one thing Google didn't Only Revinvent.
David Cross "reviews" a new CD from Yo La Tengo with nary a listen: "this New Jersey (and Brooklyn!?) trio
consisting of the fat guy and two Jews are quite capable of taking us
on one wild and wacky ride through the debauched underworld of the 'Indiers.'" (via largeheartedboy)
The 88 does a live spot on The Current in Minnesota. What, no pics of awesome drummer Brandon?
LAist editor Tony Pierce is in Minnesota, too, but not for long. He's driving cross country while still blogging like a madman.
Speaking of blogging like mad, author Martha Southgate is knocking it out of the park while guest blogging at The Elegant Variation.
I'm avoiding a lot of the Mark Z Danielewski buzz until I have a chance to read Only Revolutions (damn that noir homework!), but this LA Times story seems to be generally spoiler-free.