Harlan Ellison admits to grabbing breast, calls unsanctioned breastgrabbing "unconscionable," forgets to include an apology.
Aw, man.
He does say he's waiting for a call back from grabee Connie Willis, whose take on the proceedings I'm dying to hear. What's with the silence? Someone must have mentioned Harlangate to her by now.
But even though he's a turd, I still like his writing, and would still happily listen to him speak. I just would stay out of arm's reach.
Oh, Connie knows (boy, does she know) but she's probably not going to say much about it. I mean, went to talk to her a bit on Sunday night, and heard her railing about immature men who made her furious. Turned out she was talking about George Bush.
Posted by: Laurie Mann | August 31, 2006 at 10:20 AM